
what i would do if..

Tuesday, July 22, 2003

Many people have tried, over the years, to measure love but, of course, they never can. It may, just conceivably, be possible to assess the quality of a particular emotion. There is though, no way you can ever evaluate the quantity of it. Why? Because if a love is true, it will never run out. The more it is expressed, the more of it there will be. Faith is also famously self-replenishing. If you need more of something in your life now, stop worrying about the possibility of getting less of it. Focus, with sincerity, on what you’ve got and you will yet turn a little into a lot.

“We all create our own reality.” That’s what the far-out, right-on, new-age, spiritual-channellers tell us. But is it true? Well, one thing’s for sure, we all create our own unreality! There are six billion people on this Earth and you could argue, therefore, that there are six billion fantasy worlds! We see things as we want to see them. We make them what we want them to be. That’s fine when our visions are optimistic but we are, of course, equally capable of creating dismal dreams. If your view of the world fails to inspire you now, try changing it for a different one

Stand facing towards the front. Now turn your head so that you are looking directly behind you. Now start walking forward. Tricky, isn’t it? The analogy, I trust, is self-evident. You can’t possibly make the right kind of progress if you are looking behind you all the time. You are thinking far too much about how things used to be, how they have changed and how they might have been under different circumstances. All this is sapping your strength and robbing you of the ability to seize a brand-new opportunity. Forget yesterday. Embrace tomorrow.

Do you feel a little hemmed in? Are you conscious of restrictions and limitations? Are you forever running out of time or money or energy or enthusiasm? That’s understandable, given the current cosmic climate. You should not, though, consider any of this to be indicative of future circumstance. Think of a way in which the elastic, on a catapult, gets stretched a long way back before it goes flying forward. Any moment now, you are going to start hurtling towards success. Your rapid progress will be a direct result of the process that you are bravely going through now

VIRGO (Aug 24 - Sep 23)
There could be fairies in your garden. There could be Native North American spirit guides on your shoulder. There could be leprechauns in your kitchen drawer. There really could be. Who am I - or you - to say that they don’t exist? We live in a world of infinite possibilities. When we narrow our minds, we rob ourselves of our most precious possession; the ability to dream. It is important to remain open-minded now. But whilst making plenty of allowance for what may be, you must also show respect for what undoubtedly is. One crucial fact needs facing and dealing with now.

Long before we have learned to count, read or even speak, we have learned to make comparisons. “This is bigger than that.” “That is brighter than this.” The ability to detect a difference is crucial to the development of your intellect. Vital to the development of your heart though, is an ability to appreciate that differences are not always as important as they seem. We can easily measure size or intensity but a judgement of ‘value’ is always dubious. Today’s big question is ‘what are you worth’. The answer is far, far more than you may be thinking

If you don’t know what you’re missing, how can you be sure you’re missing anything at all? It’s easy to make an assumption. Other people’s lives and situations often appear, from a distance, to be full of all the things that your own lacks. That doesn’t mean though, that if you had a chance to trade places, you would enjoy the experience. If you could stand in another set of shoes, someone else would have to stand in yours. Given the wonderful future that this person would find themselves walking into, you really would be missing something then

There are plenty of movies about long journeys. You can watch as many of these as you like. They won’t actually cause you to move anywhere. If anything, they will have the opposite effect. They will briefly satisfy the part of you that feels an urge to travel - whilst holding you static long enough to watch the film. As with movies, so with discussions. The planets are now stimulating your imagination. You can either disappear into a sweet, engrossing fantasy or you can take the inspiration that you are starting to feel, and put it to real use.

We live in a world full of clichés. We often take pleasure in doing or saying ‘whatever we feel is expected of us’. We like ‘the obvious’. It makes us feel comfortable. Until, that is, we get bored. Then, what we really want is not ‘something completely different’ but something just sufficiently different to be interesting. We want the same old recipe but with a special little twist. The current cosmic climate is bringing back a familiar theme with a subtle variation. Don’t assume you know all there is to know about your situation. Explore it. It’s potentially the start of something great.

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